Geo-archaeological investication in Loc. Ficarella (Monterotondo Marittimo,GR)

(Fig.1) The nEU-Med Team analyzing the trenches

On August the nEU-Med Team made an archaeological investigation in  Loc. Ficarella (Monterotondo Marittimo,Gr), a flat area located near the medieval fortified site of Cugnano, to better understand the stratigraphic sequence discovered for geothermic power plant realization (Centrale Monterotondo 2) (Fig.1).

Several exploratory thrences were dug to verify the consistency of the possible archaeological deposit; in this area previous topographic and geophysical surveys highlighted the presence of late-antiquity site.

Thanks to ENEL GreenPower, Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Siena, Grosseto e Arezzo and with the collaboration of society “Coop-era”, it has been possible to access the construction site and to examine the sections that have proved to be particulary interesting from a geological and pedological point of view (Fig.2).

Substantial contributions of debris have been recognized, as a probable consequence of slopes deforestation of the nearby hills happened in a relatively remote era.

The sampling of charcoal found inside the debris will allow us to obtaine precise dating and to contextualise, in time, these significant landscape changes.

(Fig.2) Collection of samples